
Fortune Cookies “the symbol of luck, wisdom and motivation”

We in chocolate designers introducing the original Fortune Cookies and the little messages inside them in Arabic and English phrases.

The story of the Fortune Cookies:

Prepared with flour, oil, sugar and vanilla, fortune cookies are sweet and crispy cookies that consist of a small piece of paper that carries a prophecy or message. The exact origin of the fortune cookies is still not known but it is believed that they might have been made by Japanese immigrants in the United States. This time period refers to the time between the 19th and 20th century. Fortune cookies are often served as desserts in Chinese restaurants as well as the restaurants in the United States. In China fortune cookies are referred to in many terms such as “good luck cookie”, “cookie with fortune words” and “good luck biscuit etc. Fortune cookies are a bit different than regular confectionery because they are not just meant for eating but also have significance. They often symbolize luck, fate and wisdom.


Earlier, the usual fortune cookie consisted of a small message on a paper, which mostly was a phrase in Chinese but nowadays that can be small and positive advices and messages. Sometimes, they also consisted of some numbers that turned out to be very lucky for the people in lotteries. Some people take these messages seriously and believe that it’s a sign from the universe for them. a lot of people also try to collect these small messages if they end up relating to them. We are afraid that this sign from the universe might be a regular message printed by factories in bulk nowadays with hundreds of messages for millions of people. These messages on paper are inserted inside the cookies when baked but still warm. After the message is inserted, the cookies are closed and given their shape. The first cookie which was very similar to a fortune cookie was seen in Japan which was larger and darker than the usual fortune cookie. These cookies were known as ‘Tsujiura senbei’ and consisted of small slips of paper inside them. Fortune cookies were also known as ‘fortune tea cakes’ till the period of World War II. Till the 20th century, fortune cookies were prepared with hands and their unique shapes were also given by hand but the industry saw a dramatic change after Shuck Yee from California invented the machine for making fortune cookies. Fortune cookies are often associated with China because of their presence as a dessert in the country as well as their restaurants all around the world but this is not true.

7 Health Benefits of the Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is loaded with nutrients that can positively affect your health, Made from the seed of the cacao tree, it’s one of the best sources of antioxidants you can find, Studies show that dark chocolate can improve your health and lower the risk of heart disease.

Here are 7 health benefits of dark chocolate or cocoa that are supported by science:

1. Very nutritious
Quality dark chocolate is rich in fiber, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, and a few other minerals.

2. Powerful source of antioxidants
Cocoa and dark chocolate have a wide variety of powerful antioxidants. In fact, they have way more than most other foods.

3. May improve blood flow and lower blood pressure
The bioactive compounds in cocoa may improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure.

4. Raises HDL and protects LDL from oxidation
Dark chocolate improves several important risk factors for disease. It lowers the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative damage while increasing HDL and improving insulin sensitivity.

5. May reduce heart disease risk
Observational studies show a drastic reduction in heart disease risk among those who consume the most chocolate.

6. May protect your skin from the sun
Studies show that the flavanols from cocoa can improve blood flow to the skin and protect it from sun damage.

7. Could improve brain function
Cocoa or dark chocolate may improve brain function by increasing blood flow. It also contains stimulants like caffeine and theobromine.
The bottom line:

There is considerable evidence that cocoa can provide powerful health benefits, being especially protective against heart disease.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you should go all out and consume lots of chocolate every day. It’s still loaded with calories and easy to overeat.
Maybe have a square or two after dinner and try to savor them. If you want the benefits of cocoa without the calories in chocolate, consider making a hot cocoa without any cream or sugar.
Also, note that a lot of the chocolate on the market is not nutritious.
Choose quality stuff: dark chocolate with 70% or higher cocoa content.
Dark chocolates typically contain some sugar, but the amounts are usually small and the darker the chocolate, the less sugar it will contain.
Chocolate is one of the few foods that taste awesome while providing significant health benefits.
*The Source: https://www.healthline.com/


Established in 2009, World Chocolate Day marks the supposed anniversary of the day that this iconic dessert made its first entrance into Europe in 1550. All around the world on this date, candy stores, and local suppliers place their best-loved merchandise on sale so that everyone, both young and old, can enjoy a nibble of the stuff.

Chocolate comes from the seed of the Theobroma Cacao tree. Cacao grows in Mexico, Central America, and Northern South America, where it has been cultivated for at least three millennia. However, Africa holds 70% of the growing cacao trees in the world today.  The earliest known observation of using cacao seeds is from around 1100 BC. The tree seeds have a very serious, bitter taste and must be fermented to develop the flavor.

In order to craft a bar of chocolate, seeds from a cacao tree are covered with banana leaves and left to ferment, at which point they are called cocoa beans. Once the cocoa beans have arrived at their processing plant, they are roasted slowly at a low temperature. Then it’s time to separate the shells from the nibs so that the nibs can be ground to a fine powder called cocoa liquor, which is just pure chocolate in rough form.

The cocoa mass is often liquified and molded with or without other ingredients. This is the state where you get chocolate liquor. The chocolate liquor then gets processed into two components – cocoa butter and cocoa solids.

The two products most vital to chocolate production come from this cocoa liquor paste. Cocoa powder is produced and packed for purchase at grocery stores so that we can bake the beloved roasted taste profile into our cakes and cookies, while cocoa butter is produced so that manufacturers can use it as an ingredient in their chocolate bars.

A lot of research into this edible treasure has found that it is a powerful source of antioxidants, plus it helps to improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of heart disease. It also increases serotonin and dopamine levels, which helps to boost mood. Many people are advised to eat more dark chocolate as it contains healthier benefits.  Tons of treats are made from chocolate – hot chocolate milk, chocolate milk, chocolate cake and brownies, chocolate candy bars, and a lot more we enjoy today. 

Dark chocolate, which tastes most like its mother seed, is simply a mixture of cocoa liquor, cocoa butter, and sugar. Milk chocolate includes those three ingredients plus a smattering of milk powder. At this point, chocolatiers can add things like nuts, salts, and syrups to elevate the flavor profile. Once cooled, the mixtures harden into the shapes of their respective molds, are wrapped in paper, and shipped to our favorite stores and candy shops.

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